time on my hands

Look what "happens" to social studies ( etc. ) when you apply the science process skill of 'measuring' to it.

Instead of a bunch of boring facts -- these events become processes in themselves. Knowing that Columbus left port on August 3rd --- means the PROCESS of discovering America was an ardous task that merely ended on October 12th.

Geez -- Lewis and Clark "camped out" for 862 days in a row -- no Holiday Inn for them. What a 'process of discovery.'

columbus -- 70 days (only 37 days asea after repairs in Canary Isles)
aug 3, 1492 - oct 12, 1492 = Julian Calendar
but aug 12th---oct 21st on the Gregorian Calendar
lewis & clark -- 862 days --- may 14, 1802 - sep 23, 1804
martin luther -- 1160 days --- oct 31, 1517 - jan 3, 1521

charles darwin -- 1741 days --- dec 27, 1831 - oct 2, 1836
spiro agnew -- 56 days --- oct 10, 1972 - dec 6, 1972

galileo (galilei) -- 71 days --- apr 12, 1633 -- jun 22, 1633
berlin wall -- 6665 days --- aug 13, 1961 -- nov 9, 1989

pony express -- 546 (?) days --- apr 3, 1860 -- oct 1861
watergate -- 783 days --- june 17, 1972 - aug 9, 1974

Some Facts = Product ----- Other Facts = PROCESS

We now use the Gegorian Calendar -- based on earth's orbit of the sun -- not the lunar calendar.

Converting to this calendar was chaotic, because 11 days suddenly disappeared. Landlords, of course, wanted rent for those days -- and people were angry because it meant they were going to die 11 days earlier !

Catholic Countries: -- wed - oct 4, 1582 -- was followed by -- thurs, oct 15th

Of course - non-Catholic countries were slow in change because this time-keeper was honed by Pope Gregory. When they did change -- 12 days had disappeared.
